Broken / Chipped Teeth Fairbanks, AK

Breaking or chipping a tooth can happen out of nowhere, either during an accident or through something as innocent as chewing a food item that’s just a bit too hard. Broken or chipped teeth can range from being uncomfortable to extremely painful, and in many situations, these dental issues count as a dental emergency.

A medical illustration of a chipped tooth

What do I do if my tooth breaks?

If you break or chip a tooth, don’t panic. If possible, find the piece of your tooth that broke off and reinsert it into the socket it broke apart from. Use gauze or a clean cloth to hold the tooth in place and control any bleeding.

If the tooth piece can’t be reinserted, place it into a plastic bag and take it with you to the dentist’s office. Dr. Shawn Miller at Golden Heart Dental can usually re-attach broken tooth material if the section that broke off is still in one piece.

It’s important to visit your dentist as soon as possible if your tooth breaks or has a part of it chipped away. Once a tooth breaks, it may weaken the rest of the tooth and make it vulnerable to infection or additional breaks.

"In 98% of patients with OSAS, the condition is due to abnormal anatomical features of the soft tissues and/or the structure of the maxillomandibular skeleton that cause a 'disproportionate anatomy' of the airway."--ARCH OTOLARYNGOL HEAD NECK SURG/VOL 137 (NO.10), OCT 2011.

Dr. Shawn Miller DDS and the team at Golden Heart Dental provide sleep apnea treatment in Fairbanks, AK. We often serve patients coming from the Fairbanks, Ester, and North Pole area of east-central Alaska. Call us today at 907-328-0868 to request an appointment!

Treatment for Broken Teeth

Several treatment options are available depending on the degree of breakage. For a chip, dentists will often use filling or bonding to repair the damage. Additionally, if the chip is mild but affects the appearance of the patient’s mouth, a veneer might be an option to consider.

If a large piece of the tooth breaks off and becomes lost, or if the broken portion of the tooth completely shatters, a dentist may recommend a dental cap or crown.

In some situations (like tooth breaks that happened in the distant past, or issues where tooth decay is already present), a dental professional may need to perform a root canal.

Each situation is unique, but in every incident that results in breakage or chipping, it’s crucial to visit a dentist as soon as possible.

If you reside in or around the Fairbanks, AK area and you have broken or chipped a tooth, please give us a call at Golden Heart Dental. We treat emergency situations as quickly and efficiently as possible, and we will repair your broken tooth in no time.

Your sleep apnea may be the result of an obstruction in the airway caused by narrow dental arches and/or an underdeveloped jaw.

"In 98% of patients with OSAS, the condition is due to abnormal anatomical features of the soft tissues and/or the structure of the maxillomandibular skeleton that cause a 'disproportionate anatomy' of the airway."--ARCH OTOLARYNGOL HEAD NECK SURG/VOL 137 (NO.10), OCT 2011.

Dr. Shawn Miller DDS and the team at Golden Heart Dental provide sleep apnea treatment in Fairbanks, AK. We often serve patients coming from the Fairbanks, Ester, and North Pole area of east-central Alaska. Call us today at 907-328-0868 to or schedule an appointment online.

Request Appointment

At Golden Heart Dental, we make it convenient to plan your visit. Schedule online or call us at 907-328-0868 to request an appointment time that fits your busy schedule. We can't wait to see you.