How Poor Oral Health Worsens Other Health Conditions

Oral health extends far beyond the teeth and gums. In fact, a person’s oral health can serve as a window into an individual’s whole body health. Poor oral health can cause or contribute to an array of holistic health problems, so let’s take a look at those conditions. Cardiovascular Disease According to the AAOSH, Periodontal…

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Vivos vs CPAP for Sleep Apnea Management

A man with sleep apnea snoring next to his wife who cannot sleep

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects roughly 18 million Americans, and among those that have been diagnosed, there are a couple of different treatment routes to take. The most common sleep apnea treatment is a CPAP machine, but a relatively new option is called the VIVOS system. Let’s take a look at the difference…

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Seeing a Dentist When You Have Anxiety

Most of us don’t exactly enjoy going to the dentist, but if you have anxiety, a dental appointment can be a nightmarish experience. If the thought of attending an appointment at your dentist’s office puts a knot in your stomach, you’re not alone. Plenty of people deal with dental anxiety, and fortunately, there are a…

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4 Signs of Sleep Apnea You Might Miss

A man snoring and his wife plugging her ears

Most of us who are aware of sleep apnea are familiar with the more common signs and symptoms, which include loud snoring, frequent sleep disturbances, and gasping during the night.  However, there are several signs of sleep apnea that many people miss. Let’s look into them now. High Blood Pressure While it may not seem…

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5 Questions to Ask Your Dentist at Every Visit

A dental patient sitting in a dental chair and smiling at a dentist

If you have a dental appointment coming up and you want to make the most of your visit, try asking your dentist these five important questions.  Does my mouth look healthy? Usually, your dentist will let you know if they notice anything out of the ordinary when checking your teeth. However, if they have not…

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How Serious is Teeth Grinding?

If you wake up with jaw pain or notice that your mouth is more sensitive than usual, you might be grinding your teeth without even realizing it. But is it anything to worry about? Read on to learn about the long-term effects of teeth grinding. Why Do I Grind My Teeth? There are several reasons…

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Bad Breath: What Causes It, and How Can You Treat It?

A woman with breath covering her mouth to hide her bad breath

Bad breath can be an embarrassing hassle to deal with, but most of the time, the underlying cause is serious. While being embarrassed is bad enough, bad breath can indicate health problems you don’t want to ignore. Read on to learn about what causes bad breath and how to treat it. Causes of Bad Breath…

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Dental Healthcare When You Don’t Have Insurance

A dentist working on a laptop in a dental office

While dental insurance is ideal for children, adults, and families, finding affordable coverage isn’t always easy. Many medical insurance programs don’t include dental procedures, so families are often forced to swing premiums for medical and dental coverages. Plenty of individuals simply cannot afford these expenses as dental premiums usually range between $200-$600 annually per person.…

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How to Encourage Children to Take Care of Their Teeth

A mother teaching her daughter to brush her teeth

Young children often fail to understand the importance of oral hygiene and as such, it can be difficult to get them to take regular care of their teeth. Plenty of kids don’t like brushing and flossing and because the seriousness of oral health isn’t something they can grasp at a young age, they may neglect…

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